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Inappropriate Avatars


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So there seems to be an increasing number of a*** and tits as avatars on this forum. As much of an a*** man I am I find it hard to browse the forums now at work due to the amount of inappropriate content that people have as avatars though be it clothed still. It's even worse when the people that post a lot are the ones that have these.


Can I request that people change them to something a bit more suitable or am I asking for too much and just the minority here?

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Shades of the current Army crisis currently gripping the nation!


Do you have people leaning over your shoulder watching or do they have Superman vision? The avatars are tiny.

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Shades of the current Army crisis currently gripping the nation!


Do you have people leaning over your shoulder watching or do they have Superman vision? The avatars are tiny.


Shades of Kentucky Fried Quail.


But yes, some people make it their life's work to be offended - not aiming that at Mr Asia, understand the issue for you.

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havent seen any tits n bums on avatartars yet . mus'tve missed them . bugger .


why does the fun police always win ?

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havent seen any tits n bums on avatartars yet . mus'tve missed them . bugger .


why does the fun police always win ?


Cannon's avatar is a beauty. I'll miss it. Can we exempt really great a***s?


Agree Rob. Australia is becoming the politically correct, all fun is illegal, capital of the world.

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I run triple monitors at work 2x22" and my laptop and I don't have issues. How much zoom are you guys putting on your browser and how much time are you spending at work on the forum. :P





Tnes Morf Klatapat

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As someone who does Equity and Diversity annually with work I've been refraining from viewing the forum at work (when I previously would during "break" times) of late for the same reasons as OP. Not because it causes offence to me but the unfortunate fact that it may to others in my surrounds and the potential consequences as a result.


My votes in too, this is a car forum, what's so bad about showing your pride and joy(s) as your avatar?





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Tapatalk exists to make NSFW a thing of the past!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

To elaborate on this. Tapatalk has an option to turn off avatars as well. Helps conserve bandwidth too for those with low data limits.




Tnes Morf Klatapat

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Gee Dish...first you pull the (very useful and sorely missed) *wanker* emoticon and now this.


hey! I wasn't responsible for the removal of said emoticon! But yeah, good to know that there are many others here who are in the same boat as the OP.

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Cheers, will be turning that option on. Shame though it's all on or off. Like I said I don't mind, it's just the workplace I'm in have all sorts of fun police and dual 24" in an open floor plan means no fun.

The internet is for porn.


Sent from my GT-I9505 using Tapatalk 4 Beta

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I had to go into the bosses office for wearing a beanie to work yesterday.. pretty sure those avatars would see me back there. (boss is a top shelf wanker, but I'll wait a few more months to tell him that :wink: )


Thanks for the tip on how to hide them, but I would still prefer to see the other 95% of your avatars

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@HLB I actually view the Forums at work and nearly everyone around me always cracks up when they glimpse your avatar... :D

personally though I think we should refrain from getting rid of them and instead go to our user setting and turn them off if it is too offensive.

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I'd have to go with Portal's recommendation on this.


Or just set your browser up so the window is slightly smaller than the width of the forum, to hide the avatars.

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When you have a large monitor at work and it's open plan like mine, avatars matter. +eleventy that this is sorted.


+1. And especially if you work in government.....you're looking for trouble. I sit in a spot where I'm wide open, so definitely an issue for me. With diversity being so important these days, tits and (female) a***s can definitely get you into bother.....


Browsing the web is OK, usually done during breaks. Hiding avatars seems a good solution.

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I thought everybody liked a face full of tasty derrière :?


Is mine really offensive? I do apologise if some do find it offensive.

More funny I would think...heck I'd even show my mum :wink:


I showed my mum your avatar haha

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Why are people browsing at work? If I caught my employees browsing forums on the clock I would be pissed off!


As long as the work gets done...


How very Australian a comment :P

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At the end of the day, we're a community. What we have here is awesome, but what stereotype to we fit in if there is T&A all over the forum in avatars? I would like any woman to feel comfortable and welcome if they browse our site. Some will be offended by anything,and we're never going to please them, but some will simply not bother to sign up, and they're the folks I'd like to have here as they're more likely to make a contribution to our community that everyone will benefit from.


It's not about how you feel gents, it's about what others feel and think when they see us here.


Please have a think about it.

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Why are people browsing at work? If I caught my employees browsing forums on the clock I would be pissed off!

As long as the work gets done...

How very Australian a comment :P

One in five Australian men work more than 50 hours a week, OECD data shows

I grew up with my old man doing this (he still does). And it turns out I've followed in his foot steps.

Edit: Interesting observation that there's a difference between working long hours and working hard. Also not implying that anyone on here doesn't don't do either in order to avoid starting a sh*t fight. :wink:



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At the end of the day, we're a community. What we have here is awesome, but what stereotype to we fit in if there is T&A all over the forum in avatars? I would like any woman to feel comfortable and welcome if they browse our site. Some will be offended by anything,and we're never going to please them, but some will simply not bother to sign up, and they're the folks I'd like to have here as they're more likely to make a contribution to our community that everyone will benefit from.


It's not about how you feel gents, it's about what others feel and think when they see us here.


Please have a think about it.




You have a much better way with words than I do, but you've said exactly what I think and feel about it. Adding a further dimension regarding female forum members being comfortable and the impression they may get upon joining is another valid point for consideration. Personally I have no complaints about T&A's but I'm in a position where I do have to consider those around me.


As a result I simply do not bother logging in during breaks at work and simply wait until I'm home to enjoy some good RS. :wink:





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But are we forgetting that Megane 2's have beautiful booty

Will that be considered inappropriate?

Debatable as to whether beautiful but definitely inappropriate. I think most of my colleagues are more offended by the Megane 2 rear than any avatar. :wink:



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But are we forgetting that Megane 2's have beautiful booty

Will that be considered inappropriate?

Debatable as to whether beautiful but definitely inappropriate. I think most of my colleagues are more offended by the Megane 2 rear than any avatar. :wink:




I guess there are more people that don't like it than do


But we do drive renaults and renault have ads like this


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I guess there are more people that don't like it than do


But we do drive renaults and renault have ads like this



Great commercial...great asses...until they show the car :booty:

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I use my mobile phone from work. If anyone is close enough to my phone to see avatars then I'm the one with a harassment claim!


Oh, but the good (NSFW) avatars don't show up on the iPhone Tapatalk UI anyway :wink:

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