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Hello all.


Being new to this forum i will just write a short post leading up to the Google search "Renault car forums" :D


My girlfriend and i having just moved up to Brisbane in a non air-conditioned car have spend a number of months trying to find a car.


As it turned out trying to get something that appeases the desires of two rather pedantic people is not easy.


In searching for a car we had to satisfy a number of criteria


A) didn’t make her feel like a tramp (apparently jap cars do this)????


B) gave me something that i deemed an "intellectual buy that shows character" and that didn’t leave me with the feeling I would get if i had just bought an iphone


C) And something that is fun to drive..... Because it’s all about the smile!


D) Didn’t cost the earth


The end result of the above happens to be a Renault Megane Sport and after having the car for a number of weeks now and am stoked!


So just hi to everybody and cheers for this resource



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pete [ and g/f ] welcome .


your logic on the purchase is impeccable .


and yes , jap cars make me feel like that too :]

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Welcome gson !


A good place to say g'day is the Newbies section. Maybe a good idea to start a thread there. :nod:


People can say hello to you there, and also start demanding to see pictures of your new wheels, which if not forthcoming, may result in dire consequences (j/k) :P .....they have a word for it.......it escapes me now......someone will surely help..... :lol:


Cheers - Dave

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cheers all..... Yeah by all means move the post to the right place.... sorry.


Dave, Were heading down to Mt tamborine this weekend so i suppose ill have to take a few pics. :wink:


oh and that link on this forum to the renault ad where the french guy goes to that little english town.... had me in stitches :D

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demanding to see pictures of your new wheels, which if not forthcoming, may result in dire consequences (j/k) :P .....they have a word for it.......it escapes me now......someone will surely help..... :lol:


Cheers - Dave



Well, if nobody else will rise to the bait, I feel obliged.


Pic sorb an.. Or something :mrgreen:

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Hi Pete welcome aboard.

If only ever other buyer took such measures...we'd all be driving Renault Sports. (sheep not included)

Come out to one the drive days if you're keen... should help stretch the legs a little further, meet all, and guaranteed to get pics (or ban).


WOLF (sometimes in sheep's clothing)

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