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rob 240

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theres been speculation on the '' i like this forum '' thread that frank wasnt frank but bin laden or some other imposter .


as a result , mods decided to ''block his portal '' , whatever that tech-geek stuff means . :(


anyway , this is a great loss to the forum . we've had plenty , indeed regular of '' pix or ban ' requests about members who won't put up pix and theyre never banned yet frank , the funniest , most unassuming , talented engineering guy [ who else has done an AWD clio ?? pray tell .. ] on OzRS , gets his portal blocked . unfair .


:idea: so fellow forum members , start the campaign , bombard the mods with pms , burn cars [ saabs , toyotas , hondas , nissans , no renaults of course ] , go mental with a chainsaw , whatever it takes to get frank back on board with us and unblocked portally .


get to it before frank deserts us for even better forums [ if there are any , which i doubt ] . he's a man who says he likes us , lets get him back and show him we like him too . :nod:



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he's either been buried at sea or he's in a compound in abbotsabad . either way he's not coming on a mid week run .


let him back .

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let him back .


What about those suspicious other people about the same time who logged on with some strange request and were never see or heard of again? There was a few, I don't think Frank has only one name. Could the Mods do a search for BS posts....


Or maybe it is like copycat killers. Maybe Jeffie is to blame, he has alot of hate for Frank......Hatekiller...mad crazy poster...

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I also enjoy franks humour, however if he really did fk around a member like he has been accused of then IMHO he has crossed the line ( and by extention whichever member 'created' him)


It's not funny that a member spent many hours preparing an item for sale at franks request and then burnt him.


If it was me I would be out for blood.


My vote (if I get one) is that frank should be unblocked so that he can respond to the allegations, but if it's true I don't believe with all conscience we can let him be a member. ( and that goes for whoever frank really is as well)


Sorry if this upsets people, but fking members around should not be tolerated IMO

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Indeed wade, we don't tolerate it. Things are going on behind the scenes, so rest assured that we are dealing with this.

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+1. not good .that was something not a lot knew about till recently .


once thats sorted , lets punish him ... in cruel and unusual ways make him drive a rice car for a month say , make him apologise , maybe buy the goods , THEN bring him back ?

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yeah , brendan will lend it to the forum for sure .

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(Read from bottom up)




After this and I had put pictures up, after several attempts to contact "FLAZARE" via the forum and his personal email, I have not to this day received any reply from him nor any reply at all regarding the boot.


If you're willing to tolerate that sort of sh*t in a community like this, then you're compromising the high standards of OzRS as far as I see.


Especially seeing as this forum is lacking a proper sales section add-on and all forum trading is done on a trust basis. There is no post trade review setup (trade rating) etc, and no restrictions on who can buy / sell in the forum (posting minimum).


I like how OzHonda do it with a reputation system, with only members with +1 reputation can trade.


Anyway, for Rob and a few other members, how would you like it if I did the same to you on a fake account, or if some mentally/socially handicapped member wasn't playing fair and you were the one who suffered?

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The route he was taking is still blocked. His user name isn't.


This is the message he'll get

You have been permanently banned from this board.


Please contact the Board Administrator for more information.


Reason given for ban: Using an Internet Proxy!


A ban has been issued on your IP address.

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Thanks for posting strife. I re-iterate this is a complete load of BS. Good on you for fueling the fire rob and others, but this is beyond a joke. I for one have better things to do with my time than sort out sh*t like this.

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That is so not what I would have expected to transpire at all. Makes second guess Frank's Prankness now...


Sucks that you were stuffed around mate.





frank was generally funny and a great piss taker


what frank did there was just stupid and unfunny and shame its stopped the good bits he added here .

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Looking back at the content of that reply to strife where 'Frank'/'flazare' goes into considerable detail regarding flywheel costs and swapping the hatch & glass, it really appears genuine to me. But I'm not sure what to believe anymore. Perhaps there was some truth behind some of the prank?


On the other hand, what if the real Frank was subsequently hacked?


Just trying to think outside the box here.

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A man-child by the screen name FRANK (flazare) joined and made a series of banal, inane posts by digging up a load of ancient threads and pretending to be almost completely tech-illiterate even though he was allegedly also a successful teenage stock broker.


To create some credibility he strung a member along by promising to buy something from them.


He eroded much of that cred with his plans for an AWD Clio.


When people tired of the charade it turned out he was so computer-challenged that he hadn't even noticed that he was posting through anonymous proxy servers.


Now he's gone.

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A man-child by the screen name FRANK (flazare) joined and made a series of banal, inane posts by digging up a load of ancient threads and pretending to be almost completely tech-illiterate even though he was allegedly also a successful teenage stock broker.


To create some credibility he strung a member along by promising to buy something from them.


He eroded much of that cred with his plans for an AWD Clio.


When people tired of the charade it turned out he was so computer-challenged that he hadn't even noticed that he was posting through anonymous proxy servers.


Now he's gone.


I've known of unusual success stories like that - as long as one sticks to their rules of trading and methodology, then it's quite possible. Not backing 'Frank'/Prank with that statement, just saying it's not that unbelievable.

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A man-child by the screen name FRANK (flazare) joined and made a series of banal, inane posts by digging up a load of ancient threads and pretending to be almost completely tech-illiterate even though he was allegedly also a successful teenage stock broker.


To create some credibility he strung a member along by promising to buy something from them.


He eroded much of that cred with his plans for an AWD Clio.


When people tired of the charade it turned out he was so computer-challenged that he hadn't even noticed that he was posting through anonymous proxy servers.


Now he's gone.


I've known of unusual success stories like that - as long as one sticks to their rules of trading and methodology, then it's quite possible. Not backing 'Frank'/Prank with that statement, just saying it's not that unbelievable.


I think what Tubbsy is saying is that it was unbelievable that he was tech-illiterate and a successful teenage stockbroker. :wink:

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OK, but I know of someone that is as thick as two planks who is a successful trader as he just does what he was trained to do. Doesn't put any further thought into things like many others would - just does them like a good worker bee and reaps the results.

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OK, but I know of someone that is as thick as two planks who is a successful trader as he just does what he was trained to do. Doesn't put any further thought into things like many others would - just does them like a good worker bee and reaps the results.


Fair enough, but Frank still done wrong.

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OK, but I know of someone that is as thick as two planks who is a successful trader


i know someone who is as thick as 2 planks and is a prime minister ! :wink:

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