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Hey guys, just sold my RX8 ...


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... and I'm now looking for a Clio Sport.


As the subject says, I've just come from just a very fulfilling 2 years of owning an '06 Mazda RX8. But as the GF and I have decided to buy our own place and needed to clear up some funds unfortunately the Mazda had to go.


So the GF has left me with $10-13k to spend on a 'sensible' hatch (she doesn't know much about cars :wink: ) that we can use on weekends. Anyway, having come from the RX8 (and a Honda Integra DC5R and Skyline R34 before that) I knew I would never be able to settle into a Yaris or Jazz - and the Clio Sport is the natual choice. Plus I'd always been a fan of them AND GF thinks it looks 'cute' :mrgreen:


Look forward to getting to know some of you a little better.


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Welcome - glad you've chosen to look for a Clio Sport... you won't be disappointed :wink:


Enjoy the forum and I hope all goes well in your search for a car - I think spaleta9 (sp?) has a very very nice 172 for sale ATM - I'd check that out...

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Welcome to ozRS! Judging by the look of the RX8, I can't see your RSC staying stock for long. He!He!


How did you find us?


LOL actually, all my 8 had were some suspension mods & wheels. I was too much of a wuss to tinker with the rotary engine (was afraid it'd blow up). My modification days are over ... I swear :shock:


Google :D I make a point of always checking out owner/enthusiast forums before buying a car to get some honest opinions and get a summary of common problems.

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Well MM, bang for buck, you're going to be quite content with a RSC... very little that competes with it for the $.

Driven other rides before as well, this one takes the cake. Feels so go-karty, but smooth when needed.

Unique in the sense that most still know what to make of them.

In short - just soooo much fun and enjoyment.

Wish us both luck in getting the right one. (yep, still hunting, but have my eye on a few)



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DanielG - cheers mate, I had a look. It's a beauty alright but I was looking for something as close to stock standard as I can get it.


Dr P - thanks! I miss it already :( hehe


Im not sure what your definitively looking for but i can vouch for the condition of Spaletas car and with the mods, camber bolts are the norm to aid with turn in plus koni yellows and eibachs do give a handing benefit ( i have the same setup). As said depends on the car your after but from looking at the spec sheet it looks to have been done properly nad mods were carried out by one of the best RS independent mechanics in NSW (AP Automotive.)


Good luck with the fund for a wee beast!

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Wish us both luck in getting the right one. (yep, still hunting, but have my eye on a few)




How long have you been looking for now? Good luck too though, fingers crossed!


Welcome to the forum mate, I think you'll enjoy the switch from the RX8! Goodluck with the search..


Also, thanks for the recommendations Daniel and Chris, cheers.


Thanks mate. You've definitely got a lot of support for your car on this forum - best of luck with the sale.

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2 weeks now, but i'm relatively picky :shock:

Any that i se but pass up on due to colour etc (the wifes imput), i should let you know.

Worth looking interstate as well...WA seems to have a couple in your price range.

Be sure to check service history (ie timing belt etc) as well as headlights and steering wheel condition (UV damage)



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2 weeks now, but i'm relatively picky :shock:

Any that i se but pass up on due to colour etc (the wifes imput), i should let you know.

Worth looking interstate as well...WA seems to have a couple in your price range.

Be sure to check service history (ie timing belt etc) as well as headlights and steering wheel condition (UV damage)




lol I'm picky with my cars too - only the best.


Thanks for the advice mate.

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Google :D I make a point of always checking out owner/enthusiast forums before buying a car to get some honest opinions and get a summary of common problems.

Good to hear. You'll find that we're generally a pretty friendly/helpful bunch on here.

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Good to hear. You'll find that we're generally a pretty friendly/helpful bunch on here.


Yeah, I've been doing a lot of reading here lately and you guys (and gals) are pretty friendly to everyone that's not named Renaultboi


But yeah, Trolls don't count :D


that is a great looking car mate.


shame it had to go. but you have come to the right place ; )


Thanks mate. I'm actually looking at one over the wekeend, so hopefully my search will be over soon.


Only problem is, I don't exactly know what I'm going there to look at. I've got a wholesaler contact and he tipped me off to a low km 04 Model that his network just acquired - but he had no other details apart from that. Will find out on Saturday though.

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Thanks mate. I'm actually looking at one over the wekeend, so hopefully my search will be over soon.


Only problem is, I don't exactly know what I'm going there to look at. I've got a wholesaler contact and he tipped me off to a low km 04 Model that his network just acquired - but he had no other details apart from that. Will find out on Saturday though.


Has he got 2? :wink:

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Thanks mate. I'm actually looking at one over the wekeend, so hopefully my search will be over soon.


Only problem is, I don't exactly know what I'm going there to look at. I've got a wholesaler contact and he tipped me off to a low km 04 Model that his network just acquired - but he had no other details apart from that. Will find out on Saturday though.


Has he got 2? :wink:




The salesman said he'd hold the car for me (said I didn't need to leave a deposit because he was the only one who had access to it) while it was going through their workshop inspection, but while he was sitting on his a*** one of his colleagues from another office went and took a deposit on it.


I wouldn’t have been so annoyed if:


a) I hadn’t been the one calling him a couple of times every day asking him if it was still available (only to leave messages with his receptionist - with no calls back); and

b) He didn’t break the bad news to me and then try and tell me that he has a 206 GTI that would be perfect for me.


206 GTI?!?!! :bitch:

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b) He didn’t break the bad news to me and then try and tell me that he has a 206 GTI that would be perfect for me.


206 GTI?!?!! :bitch:


Jeez it sounds like it's time to ditch this bloke!! :wanker:

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Tell 'im he's dreamin', mate.


lol yeah I ditched that guy quick smart.


Anyway, on a MUCH better note:


I put a deposit down today on a dealer used '02 Iceberg Silver 172 from Adelaide with 40,000kms on the clock. Only issues with it so far are a slightly sad looking steering wheel and oxidised headlights (I already have a DIY repair day planned).


Anyway, should be taking delivery of her either Friday or Saturday :nod:

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Congrats mate.

2 common faults that can be fixed rather cheaply. (well $100 for a highlight repair product and 2-300 for a retrimmed wheel.)


Enjoy mate and post some pics with the grin on your face when you collect it.

Just dont post a "Brendan225 new car photo" :shock:

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'02 with 40,000km is nothing! Surprised it has a worn wheel though with only 40k! Mine's got 62 on it atm and looks fine.


Simple to fix though and sure doesn't change the way the car drives, enjoy!

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Congrats! Pics when you get her!


I had my 182 steering wheel changed in 40k kms under warranty so that is pretty common.

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Yay! Well done :D

Welcome to the club... or should I say "experience".


40,000km on a 7yo car is awesome! Should still feel nice and tight.


All the best.

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Can anyone recommend a good Advanced Driver Training course in Sydney?


Despite my best laid plans to take my previous cars along to the track, I was never able to get organise anything - but am keen to do this with the 172.




Congrats on the purchase :) ..........did u get it sent over from SA, or did you go over and drive it back?


As for driver training, a few of us on here have the Ian Luff Driving courses - but you will have to do their Stage 1 Drive to Survive course first before you can do any of their higher stages, which is pretty much the same thing for most Driving Courses.


Otherwise, if you attend certain track days, there are driver trainers there on hand to guide you - only problem is really trying to fight with others for em :)


Make sure you come to the meet on Tuesday night and show off your new toy :D

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Congrats on the purchase :) ..........did u get it sent over from SA, or did you go over and drive it back?


I would've loved to have road-tripped it back from SA but unfortunately I couldn't take the time off. She's actually currently on a truck over from Adelaide to Sydney as we speak :mrgreen:



Make sure you come to the meet on Tuesday night and show off your new toy :D


I'll try and make it! Greengate right? I'll check out the social pages ...


Btw, Ian Luff is over at Eastern Creek right?

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ah ok, i was orignally going to get a car from SA aswell and was going to transport it over, but that deal fell through :(


be good to meet a new clio owner if you can make it on Tuesday! :)


Ian Luff is based at Oran Park - i dunno what is going to happen once it closes. Eastern Creek holds driver training courses too.

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I picked up my car this afternoon and promptly took it for a (4 hour :lol: ) drive through lots of different conditions.


I'd only driven 2 Clios up to this point, rather sedately too, and I as much as I already loved these little cars, I always thought it was going to be a tough ask for the Clio to match up to my previous car in a like for like comparison (given the Mazda's buzzing 9000rpm redline, premium luxury pack, 50/50 weight balance and RWD format) - suffice to say though, I was proved wrong and freakin' impressed in the process.


Anyway, here are my first impressions (btw, I'm aware that I won’t be telling you Clio guys anything you don’t already know :wink: )


Power Delivery

Very docile and manageable through peak hour traffic conditions - but under load the car was extremely raw and responsive. I was impressed with the fact that there was very little torque steer despite being FWD and the powerplant producing impressive figures. Though straight line statistics won't be enough to impress your mates, it's the manner in which it does it that had me grinning from ear to ear.



In a lot of respects the total package reminds me of the Integra DC2R, with very minimal body roll and precision point and steer type handling. But the difference lies in the Clios temperament over uneven bitumen (read: Parramatta Rd) - while the Type R driver would have their eyeballs vibrate out of their sockets the Clio still absorbs a good amount of bumps.



It'll have to do (note: I’m coming from a Luxury Special Ed. RX8 hehe). The awkward seating position and funny instrument ergonomics took some getting used to – I noticed I’d have to lean forward just that little bit to pop it into fifth. Oh and what the heck is that ratting?! :evil:


Love the steering wheel though and the pews are decent enough (though Recaro’s would be nice).



Best part is, fuel efficiency is almost twice as good as it was in the Mazda (where it’d drink up to 15l/100km during spirited drivng). Economical performance?


Overall I am indescribably happy with my purchase :mrgreen: . The car is by no means refined (in a sense it’s those quirky things that give it so much ‘character’), but this doesn’t stop it from being one of the most rewarding and entertaining cars to drive – and I don’t think there’s anything even comparable out there for the money.


p.s. Will try and get to te Greengate tomorrow

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Congrats on the purchase, MM.


Re driver training, Circuit Club are having a track day at Oran Park South on Sun 29th Nov. $195 and instructors will be available. PM me if you want further details. I've already booked in.

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Bit OT but what sort of economy were you getting out of the RX8 Mouse?


Iv herd some scary numbers, but am unsure of the truth to them...


In service and reliability is the RX8 an expensive car to keep on the road?


Unfortunately fuel economy is as bad as you've probably heard (fuel economy is not the strong point of rotary engines) - I tried using it as a daily driver and averaged anywhere between 13L-14L per 100km in Sydney traffic, around 10L on highway and 15L and up for a day of spirited driving. The pay off here though is extremely smooth power delivery all the way up to 9500 rpm.


I never had any problems with reliability though and neither do most of the guys on the RX8 forum. But then again, I suppose with all cars, so long as you follow the service schedule and replace things when they need to be replaced you never really encounter (m)any problems.


Cost of parts and servicing are comparable to owing an RS vehicle if not a little cheaper - i.e. it's not like owning a Camry, but if you're a car enthusiast then chances are you're willing to spend the money anyway . And IMO the Mazda build quality is second to none in the JDM market right now (this coming from a *ahem* reformed Honda Ricer from way back :mrgreen: ).

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Thanks for the response mate.


The blend of unique looks, a 9500 redline and praised handling add up to a pretty desirable package. Also looks like they are relatively affordable these days too. Good to keep in mind for the future.


Luckily for you, you have managed to get one of the gems (in the clio) in the 'next best' price bracket. Great to hear you are enjoying your car!

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The blend of unique looks, a 9500 redline and praised handling add up to a pretty desirable package. Also looks like they are relatively affordable these days too. Good to keep in mind for the future.


Book yourself a test drive :D


In regards to the seating give this a go mate


Drops the seat about 1cm or so but it does make a difference! Pretty simple job too.


Thanks for the link ... I'll have a look into it.

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