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Drive day invitations


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Hi all,


Not really feedback for the site itself but more invitations for drive days...


I really like the mix of people we have on the forum and others who have met the crew at the social outings seem to feel the same.


Im question is around drive days and social events...


I have several people outside the forum who i would love to get along to social days to enjoy their hot hatches. Do we want to keep the social drives to members or are we happy to open the day to all and extend the OZRS spirit to many.


the other thing to consider is does this make the drive days too big...



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My only suggestion is that we are really really picky with who we invite - can think of several "mixed" drive days (not organised by OzRS, I admit) that have gone horribly wrong recently.

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I agree and personally i would not invite anyone unless i trusted them both as a driver and a person to not cause any friction on the day or do anything untoward to affect the day.

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I think it's generally alright if someone asks to bring a mate.


If 10 extra people rock up sideways into the carpark, the drive day organisers would need to confer on how best to politely ask them to "get lost"...


OZRS has a clean history so far, and people's friends have attended. I see no reason to change this, however I would suggest people think twice about inviting more than 1 or 2 friends & their cars.


Some of my mates that have come on a drive day with me have had a ball & been amazed at how friendly & welcoming everyone is! 8)

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We've had friends tag along before, and see no problem with it. From memory we've had MX-5s, Golfs, 147s, FTOs, etc come along and not had a problem. I just think it should only ever really be 1 or at the most two friends that are invited to come along.


I know this hasn't really been raised by your post, but I don't think combined drive days should happen. Too many bad experiences.

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Ggroup organsied drives are not a great idea in my opinion.


As for the drive days do we maintain the friends will be welcomed, however the member should ensure both the group and the guest are comfortable whilst on the drive and is to na extent responsible for the guests behaviour whislt on the drive.


I guess my question was coming from the work colleague that i invited along last time. I think he would get alot of value in coming along and is a little shy at times, however i dont want the general group to be annoyed or put out by having a non OZRS member / Non RS on the day..

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just dont let bremund currnet sig photo guy along . please :]


otherwise , a mate or 2 is fine .

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While I can see the attraction, I can't see that "mixed" drive days are going to be acceptable. We need to control as best we can who comes to ensure the safety of all. It's just not worth the risk to what we have. I'm quite proud of the way the Sydney drives are conducted and don't want to ruin our history of good times. Saying that, inviting a friend from time to time should be fine, using correct etiquette thru a request in the appropriate thread would be the way to go. And if there's any misbehaviour on the day it can then be easily dealt with. And if your mate wants to come to every drive, then you know the answer - tell them they'll need to buy an RS :wink:

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