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New favourite toy! Clio 172


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Hi guys,


Just thought i would put a name to another RCS 172 trawling around Sydney.


ANI is a black 172, she was born in 2002 and she has only just been run in with 30' kms under her belt!


I have been keen on these cars ever since i went for a test drive with a mate of mine about 6 months ago. Finally i have managed to aquire on of these beautifull machines. Andrew = so stocked!


Anywasys i look forward to posting on here and meeting up with some fellow Renault Sport owners..


I have a heap of questions to ask but it looks like i need to go of an do a comprehensive search of this great website. I will leave all that stuff for the Clio forum anyway.


cheers guys


- one very proud new owner.

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Welcome Coop!


So glad you made the jump to an RSC :wink:


I think Chris is pretty happy too!


Looking forward to having yet another youngin attending social events :mrgreen:

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Welcome mate! Make sure you make it to the Sydney social meets.


Oh he'll be there... I'lll kick his %*^$ if he's not :wink:

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Thanks for the coments guys -


Welcome mate! Make sure you make it to the Sydney social meets.


Oh he'll be there... I'lll kick his %*^$ if he's not :wink:


Yep big time! really looking forward to teeing up a meet, plus i don't think i want a %*^$ :? , do I?



This site is not helping me get my finances out of the red! Already looking at some nice white stripes for ANI :D


Also friend at uni who was a former RCS owner was telling me that therer is a shift warning light, can anyone confirm/deny this?

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Welcome mate! Make sure you make it to the Sydney social meets.


Oh he'll be there... I'lll kick his %*^$ if he's not :wink:


Yep big time really looking forward to teeing up a meet, plus i don't think i want a %*^$ :? , do I?



This site is not helping me get my finances out of the red, already looking at some nice white stripes for ANI :D


Also friend at uni who was a former RCS owner was telling me that therer is a shift warning light, can anyone confirm/deny this?



Confirmed. It's in the bottom right corner & it very small. It flashes green & looks like a gear stick :wink:

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fantastic you signed up


i know youll love the clio mate


ditto the website tempting you into financial disaster :lol:


definately a drive after uni exams are over


will catch up with you soon mate and see the wee beast in person


P.S let me know how you get on with the stripes, id be interested in some silver ones for mine 8)

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