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New to OZRS/RS225: Hullo!


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Hey all,


Just thought I'd make an initial post as I've just bought a second-hand rs225 and have been perusing the forums quite a bit ...

Arctic Blue ph1 non-cup (used to be hhlau2's I think from what I could find out from a bit of e-stalking, with f1 decals).


Anyway, all of this is griffyn's fault - having had to ride past his BO 225 every morning as I came in to work, I grew to like the shape ... actually, always loved the shape ... would have loved to get a cup in BO as well but then that would be copying. I really wanted Dave's immaculate and excellent 182cup (also BO), especially after a mini-test-drive, just didn't have that much dough (well worth the price tho, IMO) ... and my gf wanted a sunroof so here we are.


Really looking forward for taking her for a proper drive, over the spur perhaps ... maybe down past Lorne?


I've got a question though: she's due for her timing belt change (and water pump prob): what do people reckon in terms of where to get this done? I was impressed by Karl's communication when I had the pre-purchase check done at Virage, but that is way cross-town ... Do you reckon that t belt could be done somewhere like Sim's in Brunswick fairly safely? Or more Renault-specific rather than Peugeot/Renault kind of vibe place?

PS - Anyone want to buy a venetian green 306 pug? :wink:

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Griffin is responsible for a LOT of things here ..... :mrgreen:


back on thread ... a BIG welcome ! :D


the Mexican crew will advise re mehanics - its not difficult if the right people do it .

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Thanks all!


Will see if Karl can fit her in this week sometime; hopefully get her back for the WE.


On another note - I remember reading on a post somewhere that there might be an easy/cheap way of improving the exhaust sound slightly (by removing something perhaps)? I wouldn't want dikhead loud, just something in between :roll: and :headbang: ... just a little deeper, a little less refined.


I'm already fighting Mrs C over who gets to take it out, and find myself making meaningless trips for things just so as to drive it! It's a characterful little beast ...

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I'm already fighting Mrs C over who gets to take it out, and find myself making meaningless trips for things just so as to drive it! It's a characterful little beast ...


I started driving to the woolies in the next suburb just to get a longer drive when going out for milk etc when I picked up mine!

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Haha! Looks good Griffyn ...


Went for a trip up to Lake Mountain on the W/E (via Kinglake, Toolangi, Black Spur). That place on a quiet afternoon is like a Valhalla in the clouds for a 'spirited drive' ... as soon as those lines on the road turn yellow, and the corners start curling up and up. I couldn't believe how nice it turns in to corners, with so much more there in reserve ... and those huuuge empty carparks up there. Nice place for a drive - I recommend.

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