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Signature Sizes


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Just a question in regards to signature sizes. Is it possible to increase the character limit? The reason for this is that VBulletin counts html code as well as displayed text. That means when adding hyperlinks or making the sig look pretty as well as adding an image link you tend to run out of characters pretty damn quick. I think 1000 characters should be plenty enough.


Maybe an addition to the rules ensure things don't get out of control with things such as image size (pixels and kb) and also the number of lines and font size etc.




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This isn't VBulletin - it's phpBB :P

You could use tinyurl.com for smaller links.


As for increasing the size, well, I personally am not a fan of overly long sigs. Don't forget that there's room to put stuff on your profile page if there's more info you need to convey :wink:

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My bad on the forum type. Just made an assumpmtion. I'm not a fan either but you see say my little sig. I'd like to have some additional html markups around it for bold and some colour etc but can't due to the character limit. So plain and boring at the moment. :P



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you can use html markup afaik

Yes you can but it counts towards the number of characters in your signature which is currently limited to 255. What I'm asking is if that 255 can be increased to say 1000 so that way you can put in text formatting, url hyperlinks etc.


The rule change/amendment I mentioned is so that the increase in characters doesn't get abused and you have people putting in massive essays as their signature etc.




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Yes you can but it counts towards the number of characters in your signature which is currently limited to 255. What I'm asking is if that 255 can be increased to say 1000 so that way you can put in text formatting, url hyperlinks etc.


Wait 'till you take delivery, and then you can simply condense your sig into the most important thing: your new toy :twisted:

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  • 3 years later...
mmm, would be nice if the signature size could be increased to 500 characters?


You buying more Renaults, Ace?!

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mmm, would be nice if the signature size could be increased to 500 characters?


You buying more Renaults, Ace?!


What makes you think that? You should also be using past tense. :wink:

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