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Just signed up and toying with the idea of a 172/182. Also looking at Alfa 147/GTV or older Golf GTi. Just need a bit of small Euro fun back in my motoring as an expat from UK.


Been here four years and done the big 6 cyl thing so time for a change...


Time to have a look around and find out the pro's and con's of ownership before taking the plunge

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The RS community is small but passionate (as you may have noticed from the forum) :wink:


The Brisbanites will be able to steer you in the direction of a mech who's not scared by the frenchiness of em, and once you've got that bit sorted, you're set.

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Welcome aboard.

The pros and cons are all over this site, but as you may have noticed already, things are more expensive here than what you may be used to. Shipping from overseas, UK especially, makes things cost more than they should. But a small price to pay for being in one of the best environments in the world. :wink: ...thus far.

The most important thing about the RSports is to maintain them well...VERY well.

Correct and regular servicing is pinnacle. By it's due date or due time.

Parts are a little higher than normal, but think of it as servicing a high tuned ricer... just plan ahead for the really big services such as timing and acc belts.

Truth be told, my favourite bit is driving around looking for corners, all the while knowing i'm likely to pull back before the car Clio reaches its limits. :dance:

Always good to have another Brisbane based member, hope you sway our way and see you out there on one of the drive days.



ps: end me an email if you want some parts advice.

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Got my hands on it yesterday, all sorted and now tucked up the garage at home. Now the (very) happy owner of a Clio 182 http://www.ozrenaultsport.com/bb/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=16739 sold by Maxtwee.


It's in excellent condition and a credit to Roger. Hope to be seeing you all on a run sometime soon.

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So wahat happened to your other vehicle options???


Test drove a couple of GTV's. a red 2004 JTS was very tempting at $14k, missed out on a 147 I dithered over and then saw the RSC - best bang-for-buck option by far and probably the bestFWD car of this generation.


Oh, and FRB with the stripes - there lurks a boy racer under this aging exterior...

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So wahat happened to your other vehicle options???


...and then saw the RSC - best bang-for-buck option by far and probably the bestFWD car of this generation.


Oh, and FRB with the stripes - there lurks a boy racer under this aging exterior...

Can't argue with either of those sentiments :headbang:

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