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Gooday All,


I have just joined the Forum for the first time after being carded by Geoffrey a week ago in Newtown. I have a 1 month old RSC 197 in black (which i am loving) and am keen to get to know more about the cars and the culture, the meets etc, so thanks Geoffrey for pointing me in the direction of ozrenault sport...

I think i have already had a few waves from other RS drivers on the road (which doesn't happen with too many other car types i guess)

Hope to catch with some members at some functions in the not too distant future.


Tricky (aka Andrew)


Welcome, Tricky. Plenty of us Sydneysiders interested in meeting you and checking out the 197. Keep an eye on the Social Events section for upcoming meets.


G'day again, will take some pictures and post shortly....

I have been mucking around trying to add a picture to the avateur....Any tips i am struggling with editing an image to 80 x 80 pixels i think!


Hey Andrew ... mate its a pain... but you need to resize it ...then its easier to have it hosted on something like http://photobucket.com, then you can cut an paste the link to your profile.


You may be even able to do it on photobucket ... not sure.


So how was overs? .... i went there just before christmas looking at a new Grande Scenic ...but the guy was really sort an didnt seem to care ....so i left ....his loss i guess.


Good luck with your avateur





Thanks - photobucket seems to have done the trick....

I agree the sales at Overs wasn't overwhelming however the price was right and i was interested in the wheels so a deal was done.

I also agree that the Scenic is a great family car...1st time i drove a Renault was a brand new Scenic 1.4l in Europe fully loaded with family, luggage and 160km/h screaming at 5000 + revs down the Autostrada's in Italy - top experience!

If anyone is interested in driving the Europe in a Renault check out this website: http://www.renault-eurodrive.com/cms/australie/


Hey Andrew, i am a member of the Renault Car Club of Australia ... we get a 10% discount from Renault Eurodrive ...so next time ...think of us :wink:


We have a 2L Scenic ... and its really good, but its time for an up grade. I was in Italy in Nov ... every second car was a Renault ... more Renaults there than i have ever seen. We were passed on the Autostrada by this guy in a Renault4 doing some crazy speed ... love it.


Enjoy the new car mate.


Welcome! Great to finally see some 197s joining up (hint hint, Teki) :wink:


Make sure you keep an eye out on the social sections for meets & drives!





Andrew, glad you made it on the site :)


I rang Dish and had your application approved, they can take awhile sometimes as we get heaps of spam.


I am attending the MDTC day this Sunday there may be a space or two left. go the the website www.mdtc.com.au and send Gary an email, this should be a great day the track would suit the 197 to a tee. You can get a license for 50 on the day and the track is 50 (half price) so $100 all up, good value really.


Anyway, feel free to drop me a PM as I have a busy motor sport calendar this month with Circuit Club, MDTC and the motorkhana. Be great to get you along to one of these, let me know if you are keen.


Hey Trick,


Welcome to the forum, good to see another newb here like myself, im getting a clio in the next two weeks and look forward to meeting new members old and new.





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