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Data leak passwords compromised ?...


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Nope on a mac and the mac generates the passwords, strange that its telling me the compromised site is ozrenault, this is coming from security settings in the mac not from an outside source

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I’d be more concerned that your Mac is telling you the password you’re using is in a data leak. Is the computer cross referencing your passwords with known vulnerabilities and spills? 
my phone tells me all my passwords are compromised. I already know this, I’ve saved them on an iPhone. 

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2 hours ago, Pokinacha said:

I’d be more concerned that your Mac is telling you the password you’re using is in a data leak. Is the computer cross referencing your passwords with known vulnerabilities and spills? 
my phone tells me all my passwords are compromised. I already know this, I’ve saved them on an iPhone. 

probably just should have googled first

This Password has Appeared in a Data Leak: Meaning

A “This password appeared in a data leak” message on your iPhone or iPad indicates that your password has been publicly leaked online, thus putting your account at risk of hacking attacks. Is it your fault? No, but you should take care of it since it is very likely that hackers know your password and are actively trying to compromise your account.

So why do you get this message?

Apple has recently set up a cybersecurity feature that notifies iPhone and iPad owners if their login details for apps and platforms show up in a data leak and suggests some security measures. With iOS 14, this functionality became available, and it checks to see whether any of the sites you have accounts on has been pwned before checking your last update date. You’ll see a warning notice if the date of your most recent password change is earlier than when a website was breached.

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