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RS265 Newbie


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Just become a proud owner of a shiny new, liquid Yellow RS265. I haven't owned a Renault before but throughly enjoying this one. I live in the Hills so each drive is a bunch of fun.

It was certainly a purchase with heart over head as most of these are, I'm certainly not the first.

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Congratulations mate! I've got an 8.08 LY in Adelaide - awesome colour. I don't know about the heart over head thing - they're a fairly practical car when compared to any two seater you care to name, or 2+2's like Toyota 86's. Mine is my every day car.

Lucky you living in the hills!!

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Thanks speedfiend41. Certainly more practical than the toyotas and Certainly a much better car. For me I should have got something that can carry a fair bit and tow 1200kg trailers but it was time for a car I could enjoy, hence heart over head. One test drive and I was hooked. I love the feel, the look and certainly the liquid yellow.

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When you think nup im over it, not exciting anymore... get an RSTuner for it... instant hard on again haha

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