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Hi All,


Just posted on the Yahoo site about what changes I/we can make to this site to ensure that this site gains momentum...


Seems they are still a bit touchy about this subject in general.


Anyhoo, I have calmed down a bit now, :x and can take a breath and look at it more constructively.


So if anyone has further ideas, let me know. I have been in touch with Brendan (yes you) and there are several things we can do quite easily which will give us much more functionality (gallery no.1).







PS Deb, am I on my own here? Feels like this imaginary divide keeps getting bigger..

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Paul i've just chucked my two cents down in website feedback after reading the yahoo thread at lunch... it was a fairly predictable outcome from the masses. :?

I think this site has a lot of strengths, including a stong contingent of posters from most states, instead of just a few sydneysiders shooting the sh*t. Also for example the number of times the issue of tyre selection has come and gone over and over with the same questions asked by different parties... no-one is going to search through the thousands of posts for the one that means something to them... :(

Anyway i've got a heap of images of RCS's that are mine, so i've got plenty for the gallery to get started, plus if we add a members rides etc everyone loves to give their babies some time in the sun...! :wink:

We just need those that are passionate about this to be active on the site and work at building the RCS communities in their states and cities. Plus take photos of any drives you go on, no matter how big or small the group... anyone with mods, take photos of them, anyone with a hot girlfriends take a photo of her for good luck! :shock:


Fight the good fight! :lol:

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Thanks for your support..


I have started the ball rolling on the upgrades.. Will try to get it sorted asap..


heh.. all good ideas.


Cheers :lol:

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Thanks for your support..


I have started the ball rolling on the upgrades.. Will try to get it sorted asap..


heh.. all good ideas.


Cheers :lol:


Hi people


Paul ive decided to come and join and get everyone on the same page so to speak!! GREAT TO SEE YOU ON THE DRIVE DAY!!!! Russ where were you??


Grant!! Silver RCS with 17' RacingHarts BMC EBC pads rotors and fluild!!

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hey guys...


i have a few photo's i took form the french car day a little while back. thats been the most recent event for QLD'ers. i have a few pics of my RSC with a Pug 180 ( both cars black) pick looks good, aswell as aheap of other stuff...


drop me a PM if you need a hand with anything.... more then happy to get things going strongly!



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Hi Grant!


Thanks for dropping in..


I am waiting on my friend for the additions to the page.. I am only am amateur it geek..


Grant I didnt know you have ebc pads.. That why youre wheels are so clean?? With std disks?? You like them? (A bit OT i know..) :wink:



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i prefer the idea of a forum however the email function many people like. i think if you can get that going here it may grow. ideally, it would be best to have one site, one pool of funds to do advertising etc without yahoo evil empire restrictions.


unfortunately its nobodys decision to make and with upgrades to this site it will no doubt grow.

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Thanks Deb..


I know it is possible to subscribe to threads posted on this site.. Just no-one is using that feature..


Will just do what I can here and leave the rest to be..




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Well, I for one am VERY happy with the existence of this site, as some may gather from my regular appearances here now. I seldom post in the Yahoo pages anymore, unless it's something of major significance. Yahoo's forums are great in theory, but their execution leaves much to be desired. I will continue to support and contribute here as & when I can, as I'm sure Paul & Brendan are well aware.


IMO, some of the "personalities" in Sydney that frequent Yahoo have more or less hijacked that forum, so I don't know what they are complaining about... perhaps they don't wanna lose market share! :roll:

Don't get me wrong, I get along well with some of them. But seriously, how many Victorians and QLDers post there on a regular basis? Yeah, exactly...


So like Rusty said, Build it and they will come. I can hear footsteps approaching...


Cheers, Dish.


PS: GRANT!!!!! Welcome mate!!!! Have missed you & your exclamations!!!!

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Hey Dish,


good to see you back again.. Ive missed you.. :wink:


Only 2 weeks till I get to see you down in Melb.. Going soo fast..


Thanks for your support..


I am waiting to hear back from Brendan.. Hes been sick off work.. Not much you can do about that..



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I too am very happy about the existance of this site. Before I found this gem, had to always lookup Clio information on foreign UK sites or whatever..... But now I just come here... Also like the fact that the 'community' on here seems more tight knit than on alot of other forums :P

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Hi All


I'm also another that believes the merrits this site has to offer. True that i seldom post in these forums mainly because there seems to be much more discussion in yahoo...but that said, i do believe this forum is set up with a sustainable format for our growing group. Doing things like simple searches are a hell of a lot easier. It would be a great outcome if we can just pool all resources into one unified forum...hopefully this will eventuate.


good to see this site is already preparing for the megane 225, my clio is off the road for the moment (as you would know if you read the yahoo posts)...so maybe a megane in the future??

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I agree with everyone said so far. The Yahoo forum is more of a social club for Sydney guys. Ppl from other states rarely post . Thats cool but what I want is a place to get information. The socialising thing is in addition to that.


There is really no point bringing the issue up on Yahoo anymore. Those who dont agree see the attempts at sharing/inclusion as hijack attempts. Its a bloody website for christs sake. A lot of knickers are knotted for sum strange reason :wink:

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I agree completely.


To be honest ,Ive lost interest in the whole thing (2 sites), so will just focus my energy on making some updates to this site, and let the rest just happen..


no more knicker knots for me :lol:


quite relieving actually :)


Thanks for all your thoughts..

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I really enjoy this site too, guys. I reckon that the car sticker idea is something that should be progressed if possible. Something simple and funky would be best. Get the site "up in lights" and let the users and the content do the rest! :idea:

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