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Hello - Can a Mod please view


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What's wrong with your PMs? If you're sitting in your outbox, that is normal behaviour - they sit there until the next time the recipient logs onto the forum...

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OK peeps - this should be taken care of now for you break, and for AndyRoo who also emailed me with similar/same issue to yours.


Certainly one of the more unusual glitches I've come across... apologies for the delay in sorting it out.


Please let me know how you go.


(BTW, I split this thread into 2 topics and edited the posts as it makes things a little easier for future reference - yeah, sounds anal of me I know... lol)

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  • 2 weeks later...
What's wrong with your PMs? If you're sitting in your outbox, that is normal behaviour - they sit there until the next time the recipient logs onto the forum...


Almost correct. They sit there until the recipient logs in, goes to their messages and opens the message. If they never open the message, it stays in the senders outbox as far as I know. :wink:

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