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Love the new forum layout.


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Easy! Just click the link that says "View new posts" on the index page. You'll find it above the "NEW TO OZRENAULTSPORT" heading, between the "unanswered" and "active" links.


And thanks for the feedback lads. Good news is that it's only going to get better :wink:

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I like the new look "look" wise. Its very stylish. Bloody respect the amount of effort you guys put in!


However, from a personal preference point of view I like the more standard PHPBB forum style. Like the old style I guess.


Would it be possible to allow users to switch back to the old style?

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Correct. The added complication (if we were to allow it) is that the old style was part of the phpBB 2.x set up, so I don't think it could be carried over to the 3.x that we are now using.

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Hey guys, I think the site looks great I just think the template is to narrow be good to widen the template :)


looks like you would only have to change the CSS here:









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