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Finally! Rsc4 Cup Premium Gw


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Firstly thanks to all the members on here that provided all of the advice and answered all of my noob questions. Particular thanks to walkie86 and Monty, you guys are all great :)


It finally arrived yesterday and it was worth the wait as this car is just too much fun! I'm in love after only two 30 minute drives (insert heart emoticon here).


I'll write something in a couple of weeks that may help other prospective buyers after a bit more driving-but my god this car in terms of grip and handling just seems miles away from my previous Golf R. But the killer for me is the sound..inside and out. It's like a symphony haha.


There's darker tint coming, the res delete and some other little cosmetic things planned but that's it for the immediate future, just going to drive and enjoy :)


Anyways here it is in all her Sydney torrential downpour glory (hope the links work)







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