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From a look through the logs.


Operating System


OzRS has more hits from Windows 8 than Windows Vista


Top 3 are

1. Windows 7

2. iPhone

3. Windows XP




We get more hits from Aukland than Hobart


Top 3 are

1. Sydney

2. Melbourne

3. Brisbane


Getting to the forum


More people click on the links to the forum at renault.com.au than Aussie Frogs.


Top 3 are

1. Bookmark or Typed the web address in

2. Google

3. Bing

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Disappointing the number of iPhone users. iPhone is the Golf GTI of the of the mobile world.


Interesting how I don't see that many iPhones around as much as I used to. Or, is that the same as the Golf GTI where it just blends in unnoticed?

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Disappointing the number of iPhone users. iPhone is the Golf GTI of the of the mobile world.

Interesting how I don't see that many iPhones around as much as I used to. Or, is that the same as the Golf GTI where it just blends in unnoticed?

The latter.



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