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Hello Everyone,


my name is Ryan and I'll be purchasing a 182 Cup here soon. Some of you might remember from the Auto 1 Show in Perth, I was the weird Alaskan in a strange hat asking questions. Just saying hi and wondering if there is anything I should know before purchasing the car. In particular, the car no longer has the Michelin Exaltos, should I look into replacing them, or are they no longer worth it?




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check to see the service history and wether or not the Timing and Acc belt has been replaced, also check for engine mounts as having been replaced previously.


how many K's on the car?


also throw it into a left hander and see if it makes a knocking noise, might mean the engine mounts are on the way out as the egine is shifting and causing the CV to bind up.


as for the tyres, exaultos are pretty good. Depends whast they have been changed with, if something else thats good then fine, if really dodgy then it could be a sign of neglectful maintenance..

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It's around 70,000ks, timing belt service is part of the deal. I remember hearing a noise that neither the owner or I could place around 5000 RPM. I can't remember the tires, might have been Yokohamas.



If AD07 then your fine, otherwise check the make against www.tirerack.com to get an idea of how good they are.


as for the noise not sure, exhaust rattle, cat converter, or was it from the engine directly?

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Hello Everyone,


my name is Ryan and I'll be purchasing a 182 Cup here soon. Some of you might remember from the Auto 1 Show in Perth, I was the weird Alaskan in a strange hat asking questions. Just saying hi and wondering if there is anything I should know before purchasing the car. In particular, the car no longer has the Michelin Exaltos, should I look into replacing them, or are they no longer worth it?





Hey Ryan,

Welcome Cheechako.... Great to see you onboard! We were just talking about our conversation we had with you at Classic Car Day last weekend when we had the 5th B'day Drive Day & wondered how your hunt was going. viewtopic.php?f=10&t=11527 Great to hear you finally managed to get your paws on a 182. :hail: Look forward to getting you along on our next drive day In June. The local dealer mentioned WA had the 3rd largest sales of Renaultsport cars last year by state in total which means we must have more than our fair share of RS's per capita, its good to see more owners coming online. Send me a PM if you need a list of Perth mechanics at all. Cheers,



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Welcome to the community (soon)! :D


I am a huge fan of the Exaltos, if the tyres are due for replacement, I'd be swapping back :wink: Otherwise, have fun wearing out what you've got on there at the moment!

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Welcome! Good luck buying the car - they're a LOAD of fun 8)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey mate, nice ride. Hopefully you can make it along to our drive day next week?







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That's it!!... i've GOT to trade up.

Looks really good, hope it's just as good underneath for you.

As for the Exaltos, if you can afford them, then yep, stick with them. Around $260-$270 a tyre (that's in Briz).


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