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  1. Thanks for the warm welcome guys (and girls) and I will definitely see if I can get myself to one of the Pizza cruises. Not sure on the which later model Clio I will be going for, I need to do some research first and drive a couple, although it will be 2012 or earlier. For those who are asking about the wheels, they are 949 Racing (Model is 6UL). I will get some photos of all our cars up in the Garage section over the next week or so
  2. Thanks Moosey. I live in Sydney, is there a particular place on the forum that I look to see about any upcoming meets?
  3. Hi all I'm Anna and I have been a registered member for 1.5 years but never posted. Usually just lurking around the tech pages when I need to find some info. Bit of background is I am a car nut, raised by my mechanic father, live with a mechanic and have a need to race at the track. My father also made me do the Automotive course (He was an Automotive TAFE teacher until he retired recently).I also own a R33 Skyline with 490rwkws, and the other half has a wildly modifed R32 GTR and an Evolution Pajero. I bought my 2002 RS 172 in late 2012 as a daily driver. It had two previous owners and full logbooks, receipts, original sales paperwork and both keys. My other half (although he works on race cars for a living) has maintained this since I bought it as if it was one of the race cars. ) Exhaust Bilstein coilovers and pillow tops (set to sightly lower than standard, just in case I take it to the track one day) Having driven a highly modified Skyline for years, the Clio Sport has impressed me with its handling and zippiness around town. Unless I am going on a Skyline cruise/event or a track day, I rarely grab the keys to it anymore and I am always using the Clio for around town. I am a convert, and I'll be selling this one shortly to upgrade to a newer model The below photo is a quick photo taken on my phone https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/t1/64104_550557388308768_1672490327_n.jpg' alt='64104_550557388308768_1672490327_n.jpg'>
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